Gluten Free Ice Cream

Ice cream is naturally gluten free since none of the basic ingredients contain gluten.

If you would like to make your own ice cream, you can find our ice cream recipe using fresh fruit here.

However bought ice creams may contain gluten. This is because they contain stabilising agents which are derived from wheat. In order to establish whether a commercial ice cream contains gluten you need to read the ingredients label.

You can find out more about stabilising agents and how to read food labels in our Avoiding Gluten page here.

The Coeliac Society, which has done an enormous amount to help people who need to avoid gluten, have a very useful page on their site showing commercial ice creams available in the UK which are gluten free.

You can find the list on their site by copying and paste this link into your naviagation bar:

However you should always check the label since food manufacturers do change the ingredients and the way they make their products.

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I'm Janne. I create recipes and provide tips for enjoying fantastic food that just happens to be gluten free. 

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